Art Exhibit Application

Step Up Gallery invites artists at all levels of professionalism to apply who have amassed the quality and quantity of work necessary to visually fill the gallery’s large display space (275 running feet). Works of art considered must be original concepts and can include, but are not limited to, the following descriptions:

  • Two-dimensional art in any media, numbered prints, or photographic prints, appropriately framed or protected with glass or plexiglass.
  • Three-dimensional art in any media, however, display space in Step Up Gallery for 3-D art is more limited than space for 2-D art.
  • A conceptual art installation or multi-media presentation.
    All presentation of art should provide a safe environment for the viewer.

The source of art exhibits accepted for review include a full range of expertise from local amateur or newly emerging artists to a traveling exhibit of a renown artist’s work. Individuals, groups of individuals, informal groups of practicing artists, and formal groups of artists requiring membership dues, are all accepted for review.