Apply To Exhibit

Gallery management is currently accepting applications to exhibit for the 2026-2027 seasons. In its quest to serve a variety of interests throughout Northern New Mexico, Step Up Gallery seeks a combination of educational, cultural and traveling exhibits, and art exhibits from local, regional, nationally-renown sources including individual artists, group shows, and groups with professional membership. About 10 shows per year are scheduled in advance and most run for about 4 weeks.

Gallery Layout

Step Up Gallery boasts 275 running feet of wall space. Half the gallery has 20’ high ceilings and the other half 10’ high with a combination of indirect and flood lighting. The space is temperature controlled. A series of windows of varying height punctuate the exhibit space on the outside walls and provide spectacular views of the Jemez Mountains to the west. A state-of-art hanging system is in use that allows the condition of the gallery walls to remain pristine.